If sinners be damned, at least let them leap into hell over our bodies. If they perish, let them perish with our arms around their knees. Let no one go there unwarned and unprayed for!
- C.H. Spurgeon

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Willful Disobedience

Disobedience will lead to God’s Chastisement and repentance should always lead to change, but what happens when you continue to disobey? When you become a recurrent sinner? When the fear of God seems to lessen because the love of sin seems to grow. When God’s chastisement makes you bitter instead of bringing you to godly sorrow which brings repentance. What if you become immune to the conviction toward that sin? What if it seems like it’s not really sin at all? What to do then???
There is only one thing one you can do…and that is to cry out to the Lord for mercy. How can one whose been through the transformation of death by sin unto life in Christ allow sin to subtly come in and separate them from the very God who saved and cleansed them from that same sinful lifestyle? We often think “I would never go back to my old ways” but we fail to see that we have no power in and of ourselves to not go back, we can do nothing apart from the grace and mercy of God, apart from the power that comes from Him alone. If we think we’d never entertain a certain sin, if we think we stand we better take heed lest we fall! (1 Cor 10:2)
Sin can creep in unawares to us, it may seem like we compromise just a little over here and a little over there but it’s never ‘just a little’ it keeps growing and growing until it gives birth to death. We must learn to cry out to the Lord for mercy, we must learn that God’s grace is sufficient and that by the power of the almighty we can overcome every temptation that comes our way. (1 Cor 10:13)
Are you in sin? If so have you not noticed God calling you out of such a place? Have you not heard His rebuke? Has conviction not yet come knocking on your door? Have you not noticed a hindrance in your prayers? Has communion with God seemed to have waned? Can’t you hear?? God will not allow his children to live in willful disobedience, he will bring upon you the rod of chastisement and then who will save you? Who can save you from the punishment of God?
If we are unwilling to humble ourselves before Him, He will humble us Himself. If we refuse to admit our faults and confess our sins and truly repent and change our ways, what else can we expect but the judgment of God. Let’s not be so foolish as to allow what we may consider a tiny little molehill of sin to destroy our communion with the Almighty. Let not your heart take delight in worldly pleasures but take pleasure in the Lord. Seek not to fulfill the lust of your flesh but seek to fulfill the will of God. Keep your mind not on the temporal things of this world but on the eternal things which art in heaven.
Temptations are never going to stop coming yet sin is never going to fulfill us. God is all powerful, sovereign, and merciful and there is no temptation that He cannot see you through. It’s amazing how we are so quick to find fault in other people’s lives but we fail to look at how easily we too fall short. Let no one say “I will never fall” for in the very day you say such a thing sin crouches at your door ready to overtake you. Let’s rather say “He who began a good work in me will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ and although I am weak, He is strong and will see me through every temptation that I might not sin against Him.”
Are you in sin?? Cry out to the Lord who is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins when we confess them, repent, trust in the power of His might. There is freedom in Christ! Call on Him today!

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